Opportunity Peterborough Bondholder Dinner 2022 – Partner Sponsor – Barclays
Opportunity Peterborough Bondholder Dinner 2022 – Partner Sponsor – Barclays

For over 325 years, we have been collaborating with businesses across the UK and around the world, and it is always a pleasure to take stock and recognise some of the incredible people behind those businesses.

Through embracing new innovations, pioneering new products, or simply maintaining a fantastic service to your customers, business leaders like you are creating employment opportunities, and having a positive impact on your local community.

Despite continued economic and political uncertainty at home, the business community in Peterborough has strived to stay positive and look to the future.

That’s why we are pleased to once again sponsor the Bondholder Dinner to both recognise and celebrate the success of businesses across this region.

It’s important that at times of stability or uncertainty that you have a financial partner you can rely on. At Barclays, we are proud to have established a history of supporting businesses across Peterborough.

One of the biggest challenges that we are currently facing is the economic challenge from climate change and environmental issues. Having an ESG strategy in place to make the most of sustainable opportunities is something that smart companies are now doing to ensure they’re doing the right thing for their clients, colleagues and investors.

From hydrogen-powered buses to farms producing energy from waste, we have been fascinated to see the innovative ways businesses are facing up this challenge. But it doesn’t have to be so innovative – a change as simple as investing in LED lighting in a warehouse can make a big difference.


About Barclays

Barclays is a transatlantic consumer and wholesale bank offering products and services across personal, corporate and investment banking, credit cards and wealth management, with a strong presence in our two home markets of the UK and the US.

With over 325 years of history and expertise in banking, Barclays operates in over 40 countries and employs approximately 83,500 people. Barclays moves, lends, invests and protects money for customers and clients worldwide.



For more information about how Barclays can support your business, please contact Duncan McCunn, Head of Cambridgeshire, Barclays Corporate Banking on 07775 550225 or by email at duncan.mccunn@barclays.com

Or by visiting: www.barclays.co.uk