When a crisis hits an organisation, the main focus will often be placed on the physical recovery of infrastructure and the restart and protection of critical processes. It is often assumed that your staff will simply automatically adapt to the new working surroundings or operational activities.
Fail to Prepare = Prepare to Fail!
Many years of experience tells us that no matter how good your Disaster Recovery plan is, it is vital to include support structures to assist individuals’ resilience. Failure to prepare could lead to the inability of staff to perform at this most critical of times; the worst case scenario could be increased absenteeism or even resignation post the crisis itself, as unmanaged stress takes its toll.
It may be a cliche that “we are all different”, but this simple truth means that we all react to crisis in different ways. Emotional reactions vary, so creating “staff-friendly” plans can be complex.
This latest free event, brought to you by DSM and the Continuity Forum, will offer advice and guidance on how best to prepare not only your Disaster Recovery team, but also the organisation as a whole. Working with respected partners, and using real life case studies, we’ll demonstrate how your plans can, and indeed should, be expanded to include the Human Aspects.
To register visit http://www.disaster-recovery.co.uk/events.html and fill in the form
Or call Helen on 01480 446149