
What to do when your Competitors are Cheaper than You!

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Are you losing customers on price?

Do you want to raise your prices but fear losing business?

Are your profits being eroded as your costs from suppliers keep rising every year?

Do you think you are having to undervalue your services and are not charging the full value they are really worth?

If the answer to any of these questions is “Yes,” then you must come to our seminar. In 60 minutes we will run through the issues with pricing strategy in the current economic climate.

We will show you options on pricing and strategies to support your business so it can compete and win sales consistently even when your competitors are cheaper than you.

Tea/coffee and bacon rolls will be served from 8.45am and we will start the presentation at 9am. It will all be finished by 10am so you can still do a full day’s work! The event will be hosted at the Marriott hotel Lynchwood, Peterborough PE2 6GB.

There are only 40 places at this event so please book your place now.

Sharing is a must at GreenStones so please invite business owners you know (be they contacts, customers or suppliers) that you think will benefit from coming to the seminar.

Remember if they choose you on price they will leave you on price.