
Topical employment law legislation revealed at city seminar

NEWLY renamed settlement agreements, early conciliation and the latest changes to employment tribunals were in the spotlight at the annual employment law seminar hosted by two leading Peterborough firms.

More than 150 delegates at the Anne Corder Recruitment and Hegarty LLP Solicitors event were talked through the new rules which were introduced in July this year in a bid to cut the number, and cost, of employment tribunals.

Employment law expert Tim Thompson from Hegarty LLP set out in detail the changes and the implications for employers. His colleague Martin Bloom talked through issues surrounding tribunal fees while Emma Carter discussed a number of case studies giving the HR professionals present an insight into how the law is interpreted in real life scenarios.

The briefing, held at Peterborough Arena, has been a key date on the local HR calendar for around 16 years.

Martin Bloom, partner at Hegarty Solicitors, said: “Legislation on employment matters is an ever-evolving area of the law. This year, the Government has introduced some important changes, particularly to the employment tribunal process. The seminar and our role in it is vital in keeping local firms informed and compliant.”

Anne Corder said: “We were delighted to once again welcome the city’s HR professionals to our annual update. Those who attended were able to take away some useful tips on how to implement the latest changes into their businesses for the better.”

A series of smaller, ‘Lunch & Learn’ briefings is now being planned for the coming months. To register your interest please email