Bob Hart – Programme Director – Smart Manufacturing Alliance


Bob Hart – Programme Director – Smart Manufacturing Alliance
Bob Hart - Programme Director - Smart Manufacturing Alliance

Bob has over 30 years’ experience leading manufacturing and engineering businesses. Sector experience includes automotive, medical devices, renewable energy, power generation, electronics, building products and a range of consumer products.

Bob has worked with a wide range of businesses from start-ups  – including taking a micro combined heat and power (mCHP) Co-Generator product from prototype to full production stage – through to blue chip multi-nationals.

Most recently he worked with Ricardo, a global engineering, environmental and strategic consultancy, where he assisted clients to improve their manufacturing processes.

Bob trained as an engineer through the traditional apprenticeship route and continued his education at Cranfield, where he completed the prestigious Fellowship in Manufacturing Management.

A keen advocate of training, Bob is passionate about developing leadership teams so they can equip their staff with the right tools, techniques, and resources to succeed. He is also an ambassador for STEM education and will be working closely with educators and employers through the SMA to ensure high quality graduate apprenticeships are developed in the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough area.