
Superfast Broadband coming soon

Peterborough City Council and Cambridgeshire County Council are developing a countywide approach to Superfast Broadband. As part of this project, local businesses are invited to take part in a consultation to find out about their current broadband connection speeds and aspirations for future service improvements.

To assist in this project please visit to run a QUICK test that captures your current broadband speed. The test will calculate your internet download and upload speeds. Please record these in the questionnaire below.

Please take a moment to answer the questions below, emailing your results to before the 2nd March 2012.

• Business type:
• Number of employees:
• Postcode:
• Download speed:
• Upload speed:

1. Would your business benefit from faster broadband speeds? If yes, please state the reasons why.

2. Does your current broadband access and speed have any impact on your business?

3. What type of broadband service would you like?

Taking part will provide essential findings for the data collection and insight into the demand stimulation aspects of this work.

The consultation will allow us to build a picture of the different levels of broadband coverage received by businesses across the city. It will be used to compare with information being provided by suppliers and the future projection for extending Superfast Broadband to other areas. Cabinet Members will take into consideration this valuable information when deciding the next steps for Superfast Broadband (speeds over 24mb) in the city.