Super fit staff at city accountants Rawlinsons will be putting their best feet forward at this month’s Great Eastern Run by taking on the Anna’s Hope Solicitors and Accountants Challenge.
The team will be tackling the full course or joining in the fun run, all to raise much-needed funds for children’s brain tumour charity Anna’s Hope. Among them will be partners Julie Bloodworth and Tracey Richardson dressed in full fairy costumes! Joining them are Gemma Mason, Caroline Gillis, Matt Holmes, Alix O’Donovan, Reece Gordon, Ben White and Karen Grief.
“Running is not our thing and dressing up as fairies even less but Anna’s Hope is a fantastic cause and where better to try to raise funds than at our own city half marathon. I’m delighted so many staff will be either out running the course or supporting us along the route,” said Julie Bloodworth.
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