Date: Wednesday 12 March 2014
Time: 12pm – 1.30pm
Venue: Rawlinsons, Ruthlyn House, 90 Lincoln Road, Peterborough PE1 2SP
Previous booms in the housing market served to boost the popularity of investing in property. Despite the recent slowdown, which appears now to be starting to reverse, many people are finding that the value of their home means they are liable to taxes such as inheritance tax. Property ownership has a number of different tax implications, which is why it is essential to put in place adequate tax planning measures. This seminar will set out some of the key aspects of tax and residential property.
The seminar will be presented by Rawlinsons partner Ken Craig. Ken is a Chartered Tax Adviser and works with a wide range of clients throughout the UK and abroad, assisting individuals with their accounting and tax affairs and helping them to plan and mitigate tax liabilities more effectively.
Being held at our Lincoln Road office, registration for the event will commence at 12 noon, with the presentation running between 12.15pm and 1pm, after which a buffet and refreshments will be provided to allow for further discussion.
If you would like to book your place(s) please send an email to by 5 March or contact Joanna on 01733 568321.