Date: Wednesday 5 March 2014
Time: 11.45am – 1.30pm
Venue: Rawlinsons, Ruthlyn House, 90 Lincoln Road, Peterborough PE1 2SP
The workshop will be hosted by Rawlinsons partner Tracey Richardson and presented by Andrew Gibb from Sage UK. The seminar is focused on the different methods of budgeting available in Sage50 Accounts as well as using departments and departmental analysis. The content would appeal to those who already use these functionalities and those who are just starting to. Subjects will include:
• Departments
• Budgeting by Nominal Code
• Budgeting by Department Overview
• Budgeting by Department In-Depth
• Historical Budgets
• Departments and Budgets
• Project Costing
Registration for the event will commence at 11.45am, with the presentation starting at 12 noon until 1pm, after which a buffet lunch and refreshments will be provided to allow for further discussion and networking.
If you would like to book your place(s) please send an email to by 26 February or contact Joanna on 01733 568321.