A RECORD number of delegates attended the annual charity conference organised by city accountants Rawlinsons on Tuesday. It was be the biggest event of its kind ever held in Peterborough.
The event, at the KingsGate Conference Centre attracted around 200 delegates from the charity sector in Greater Peterborough. The 2014 conference was organised in partnership with Peterborough Council for Voluntary Service.
The conference programme featured a series of speakers and breakout sessions addressing a range of topical issues, including a national view on the VSCE sector from Crown Representative Michael O’Toole.
Leonie McCarthy from Peterborough Council for Voluntary Services updated delegates on the city wide community research results and also officially launched the new Voluntary Sector citywide forum ‘Peterborough Community Wellbeing Partnership’.
In addition, PCVS formally signed a COMPACT agreement between the voluntary sector and Peterborough City Council with a commitment to work together to deliver a range of services to the local community.
“The early feedback from the event has been hugely positive,” said Mark Jackson, a partner at Rawlinsons.
“This event is growing in stature each year. We started with 50 delegates and last year we had 130. I’m delighted by the interest shown in this year’s offering,” added Mark. “It just goes to show how big the charity sector is in the city.”
“It has also become increasingly clear that the voluntary sector will be helping local authorities to deliver a range of commissioned services as budgets are tightened and that creates lots of opportunities and challenges for local voluntary groups,” added Mark.
For more information about the event, contact joanna.bacon@rawlinsons.co.uk or call her on 01733 568321.