Reduce, Reuse, Recycle… Relinquish? What would it look like to begin to let go of the things we are used to having to gain a healthier life and planet?
Join Planet B’s event ‘Relinquishment: A Day Gathering’ on Friday 11th August, 10am-4.30pm, to explore ways in which we can adapt to the realities of climate change, and think in new ways about what this means for us and how we live.
Less of a conference, more of a gathering, with headline input from:
There will be a series of Open Space sessions, followed by lunch (provided), then World Café style sessions to encourage everyone to get involved and sharing their ideas. This FREE event offers childcare provision, plus participatory artwork from the Planet B artists.
‘Planet B’, a Green Festival 2017 initiative, is organised by the charity PECT, in partnership with Metal and The Green Backyard, and with funding from Arts Council England. Planet B aims to be both relevant within the local context of Peterborough, but also to engage with wider contemporary environmental thinking and developments. The two-week series of events will run from 29th July to 12th August.
The Day Gathering will be held at Anglia Ruskin University, Guild House, Oundle Road, Peterborough (PE2 9PW). The event will be followed by a tour of community garden The Green Backyard, and has been supported by Anglia Ruskin University.
To book your free place today, visit For more information about the full programme of events, call 01733 568408 or visit