Peterborough is one of only four UK cities to be shortlisted for interview as part of the Technology Strategy Board’s £24 million Future Cities Demonstrator competition.
In July of this year, the UK’s innovation agency, the Technology Strategy Board, awarded 30 UK cities £50,000 each to develop feasibility studies indicating how they could become a demonstrator city for better integration of their city systems and processes. The aim was to identify a single city that would use innovation and commercial technology to deliver a better and more connected city. Of those 30 cities, four have been called for interview on 5th December: Bristol, Glasgow, London and Peterborough. The results are to be announced in January 2013, with a single city being awarded up to £24 million to deliver their programme.
The bid, led by Peterborough City Council and Opportunity Peterborough, in conjunction with local consultancies (Royal HaskoningDHV, Environmental Advantage and Green Ventures) had tremendous support from businesses and other public organisations. If successful, Peterborough’s networks will be vital in delivering a step change in how the city operates.
Cllr Marco Cereste, leader of Peterborough City Council, said: “This is excellent news but we realise we still have a lot more to do if we are to be successful in attracting the Future Cities funding. Peterborough is an innovating and ambitious city and we are always looking at new ways of delivering services locally – this money would not only benefit Peterborough citizens, but make us a showcase for cities of any size across the UK.”
Steve Bowyer, head of economic development at Opportunity Peterborough, said: “This is a very complex competition, but at its heart are three very clear goals: growing our economy, providing a better quality of life for Peterborough’s citizens, and driving environmental resilience. We think our bid does that in an imaginative and creative way, with inspirational contributions from the private, public and voluntary sectors. If successful, we would look forward to collaborating closely with the Technology Strategy Board, and all the other cities involved in the process.”
The interviews will be held on 5th December with final results of the £24 million award due to be announced in January 2013.