A scheme to find the next wave of trainee accountants has been launched by Peterborough firm Rawlinsons.
There are up to three vacancies for post A level students at the firm’s offices in Lincoln Road, starting in September. As well as learning on the job, the trainees will be supported while studying for their accountancy qualifications.
If successful, after three years, the trainees will receive their Association of Accountancy Technician qualification – the equivalent of a degree. Following that, they will begin working towards the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) qualifications which will, ultimately, lead to them becoming fully-fledged accountants.
Rawlinsons’ trainee scheme is well-established. A number of the firm’s current partners started their career as trainees and have worked their way up the ranks.
Mark Jackson is the partner who oversees the scheme. He said: “This is an ideal opportunity for someone with the ambition to become an accountant who prefers not to go to university. It is certainly not an easy option. The trainees earn as they work and receive first class mentoring and on the job training. In return we ask for a commitment from them to study for the industry recognised qualifications.”
Last year, two trainees were taken into the Rawlinsons fold. James Keith and Harry Fort scored seven A levels between them but avoided the scramble for university places by accepting trainee positions with Rawlinsons.
“Although Rawlinsons does invite applications from graduates, the trainee scheme offers a viable and realistic alternative to traditional university courses, allowing them to study and qualify while earning and working within their chosen sector,” said Mark. “We’re looking for people with the ambition to become accountants, excellent numeracy skills and the commitment to study alongside working.”
Anyone interested in finding out more about the scheme or applying for a place should contact Mark at Rawlinsons, Ruthlyn House, 90 Lincoln Road, Peterborough, PE1 2SP or email mark.jackson@rawlinsons.co.uk
Rawlinsons is a firm of Chartered Accountants, Business and Tax Advisers providing a complete range of accounting, business, taxation and specialist services to more than 3,000 clients.
The Peterborough-based firm has seven partners, a 60-strong team and 70 years of history.