
Opportunity for Peterborough Businesses

Hello there you wonderful businesses of Peterborough. We’ve just joined the Bondholder Network and wanted to say ‘Hi’ to everyone and introduce ourselves if you’ve not heard of us….

I’m Susan and I’m the founder of We Love Peterborough. 

‘We Love Peterborough’ is excellent at spreading the positivity of Peterborough around to everyone in our wonderful city. We love keeping you informed of what is going on in and around the Peterborough areas; from sharing events and things to do no, matter how big or small, to the opening of new shops and restaurants and supplying you with reviews of local services or products.
By sharing, promoting and reviewing, you will hopefully get to enjoy your life more, as we all forget that the grass is not always greener in other cities and to actually look more at what we have here – whether it’s a meal in a new restaurant, going to the Cathedral for a play, having a delicious cream tea, attending a gin festival, using our fabulous Lido, or simply a great cup of coffee. On our website at we provide a directory of information on things to do, locations to go, things to see and places to eat in our city for you. 
With over 23,000 followers on our Facebook page our audience is hungry for information. We very much welcome anyone to tell us about news and events in their local areas so we can promote and share for you as Peterborough is not just about the centre of the city, but all her suburbs too.
To help share our wonderful Peterborough businesses who want to get in front of that audience, we offer advertising on all our platforms: Social & Newsletter Banners, we even have a small business directory called #LoveLocal on our website.

If you want to know more or want a ratescard email me on