YMCA Cambridgeshire & Peterborough in partnership with The Cresset Theatre, Peterborough have been offering local businesses the chance to sponsor a child to experience the magic of pantomime this Christmas.
What is more Christmassy than going to the Pantomime and what better Panto than Peter Pan, the classic story of the boy that never grew up? We all want children to have a magical time at Christmas but the sad reality for many children from deprived backgrounds or in care in this area is unlike Peter they have to grow up too fast. Many do not get the childhood experiences at Christmas that we had, and now treasure. With a little help from a group of fantastic local businesses who have come forward as sponsors, we are starting to make Christmas dreams come true for children in care or by spreading a bit of fairy dust.
Sycamore MINI have already donated funds for 100 children to go to the Christmas Panto, but they also calling on everybody who would like to bring a smile to a child’s face and donate a little gift. All the gifts collected will be distributed among the disadvantaged children after the Christmas panto at the Cresset. If you are willing to help, please drop your gift in to ‘MINI Santa Sleigh’, at Sycamore MINI, Papyrus Road, Werrington, Peterborough.
Chris Davies, MINI Brand Manager at Sycamore MINI Peterborough said – ‘ Me and the team at Sycamore MINI, we have taken a challenge to see how much happiness can a MINI bring to those less fortunate than us. We are very excited to work with the local YMCA and help children! ’
Huge Thank You to: Sycamore Mini, Coca Cola Enterprises, Nomad International, Change Kit Ltd and Anglian Ruskin University
If you are a local business owner and would like sponsor a little bit of Christmas Magic this Christmas for a child in care or from a deprived background, there is still time to get involved. For more information please email our Fundraising Team – Fundraising@theymca.org.uk or Call: 01733 373188