
How you can impact 100 families in Peterborough
How you can impact 100 families in Peterborough

Did you know?

  • Up to 40-50% of children are starting school without the language skills they need to progress
  • Children eligible for free school meals are twice as likely to experience language difficulties
  • What parents do is more important than who parents are

The National Literacy Trust is looking to deliver Parent/Child Reading Programme Early Words Together run by volunteers in Peterborough. 

Early Words Together involves a 6 week programme to help develop children’s early language and support parents in their understanding of the importance of reading with their child, each child receiving 2/3 books to take home and keep. 

National Literacy Trust have managed to secure a reduced price of £3800 to deliver training and provide resources for 10 schools in Peterborough that will impact on 100 families.

“We have learnt to communicate more and I treat him more as a little person who knows a lot rather than a little person who doesn’t know anything” – Parent

This initiative is likely to generate some great media interest as reading is currently a focus for Peterborough.

If you are interested in sponsoring this initiative by providing £3800 and/or volunteers please contact on or 07920160104.