
Hampton Urban Sports Park Needs Your Help

Letter from Joe Wright and Harry Cooper aged 12.

We are Joe and Harry, we are both 12. Over a year ago we started are journey working towards a skatpark for hampton, then we realised it should be more than a skate park. It should be something not just for our needs but something for everyone.

We started by talking to O and H the land owners for possible sites. This meeting was possitive so we started a pation and presentation. We did assembles in schools and as a result we now have backing from the Police, parish council, councilor Seaton, youth workers, schools and we regularly featur in our local gazete and local newspaper. even the national trust has shown interest in developing the natural aspect of the park.

As the project is coming to life and so hase the costs of lighteng, fencing, seating, rubbish bins, cctv aswell as the oyther equipment. we hope that haveingread our letter you may like to get involved by donating your money towards the park.

Background information:

Last year nearly 1000 young people in Hampton signed a petition, started by Harry Cooper and Joe Wright, asking for a facility to be built in our continually expanding community.

 I believe it is recognised that Hampton does not have great physical facilities for teenagers – I am a member of a group that is seeking to address this and make an Urban Sports Park a reality.

Our group brings together youth council representatives and young people from local schools, parents, neighbourhoods and youth workers from the Council, the Parish Council, Hampton Vale Community Centre and local Police officers. We have the support of the National Trust and O&H Hampton. 

We all believe that we need to provide this facility to both address recent anti-social behaviour, but more importantly to give children a park that they can use and take ownership of – working with the Police and youth workers to make it a success.

To date we have;

  • Obtained funding of £100,000 from Peterborough City Council.
  • Received £58,000 of Section 106 funding (developer contributions)
  • Agreed a preferred site with the Council and the Police.
  • Worked with local children and specialist businesses to establish an outline plan for the park including skateboarding, fitness and outdoor table tennis.
  • Undertaken a consultation exercise with the local community.

However we still need additional funding and support to achieve the overall target of £250,000 – this is where I hope you will be able to help our local young people to fulfil their aspirations. We do have a deadline for the additional funding of 31st October 2012 to enable us to progress the project. I am pleased to enclose;

  • The letter from Harry and Joe
  • Supporting letter from our Parish Council
  • Details of our expectations for the park

 Timeline for the project:

  • Preparation of planning application by 30th November 2012
  • Planning application submission by 31st December 2012
  • Start build on site by end of March 2013/ beginning of April 2013

 We would be pleased to meet with you to answer your questions – I can be contacted by telephone on 07713 893899 or by e-mail on .

  Yours sincerely

Susan Cooper -Local resident