
Going for Gold: Communication Skills for Business Women

Every business is built on good communication skills, essential for listening, sharing, informing and understanding. This colourful mini-workshop will show businesswomen of all ages and backgrounds how to use colour to identify their personality type and communicate more effectively.

Your personality reflects in the way you communicate with, and relate to, others in all walks of life. Good communication is central to all relationships but with language, tone and body language all open to misinterpretation, it’s no wonder that sometimes our communication isn’t as effective as we might like.

Clarity4D uses four main personality types to help identity preferred styles of communication, and this special workshop from the Chambers’ Business Women’s Sector will provide a taste of how understanding personality types can enable you to: 

• Understand more about yourself, including both strengths and weaknesses
• Understand more about others who may have different preferences,  expectations and desires
• Be better able to blend your preferences with those of others for improved  team dynamics, communication, harmony and effectiveness
• Identify how personal influence can be enhanced by meeting the needs of others
• Develop a framework, a common language, on which to base your interactions.

Join us for this fun workshop which will help you enhance your understanding of the impact you can have on others and start using your new knowledge immediately.

When: Wednesday 2 May, 12.00-2.00pm
Where: Holmewood Hall, Church Street, Holme, Nr Peterborough, PE7 3BZ
Cost (incl buffet): £20.00 (plus VAT) Chamber members, £27.00 (plus VAT) non-Chamber members

To book your place please email your details including delegate and company names, plus contact details to Kelly at the Chamber of Commerce, or call 01733 370809.