When: Tuesday 1 November 2011, 5.00-8.00pm
Where: Wood Green Animal Shelters, King’s Bush Farm, London Road, Godmanchester, Nr Huntingdon, PE29 2NH
Cost: £7.50 (plus VAT) Chamber of Commerce Members; £12.00 (plus VAT) non-Chamber members
No matter what size company, giving something back to the local community is something any business can do and sometimes at little cost. It may be a simple case of knowing where to go to learn more but what’s the business benefit.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) will be the main topic of discussion at this forthcoming event with the aim of raising the importance of CSR, the satisfaction it can bring to staff as well as the PR opportunities that can come from it.
Keynote speaker Rod Allerton, Head of Charity and Community Relations, Thomas Cook will set the scene with Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) explaining what this means, the benefits to businesses as well as the boost it can give to staff morale plus the media coverage it can bring.
Eileen Le Voi is owner manager of Safe Local Trades and supports a local charity with fund raising activities as well as supporting the local community through her network of tradesmen. She will share with delegates this experience and the benefits gained from doing so.
Lynn Morgan, Chief Executive of Arthur Rank Hospice Charity will explain how the support from the local business community can make a difference to charities in general. Lynn is also Chair of the Chamber’s newly formed Social Enterprise and Charity Sector.
After the presentations businesses will be able network over a buffet supper.
Charity organisations will be on hand to discuss how businesses can engage with them whether it be for volunteering on a certain project or what may be required for becoming a trustee.
To register email your name, company and contact details to k.hewitt@cambscci.co.uk, or call 01733 370809.