
Free charities conference: information announced

Details of the second annual charities’ conference hosted by leading city accountants Rawlinsons have been released.

A number of high profile speakers will once again be sharing their expertise and knowledge on a wide range of subjects. The day-long conference, taking place on Tuesday, June 12th, is aimed at charity trustees, managers and those who work closely with charities. Attendance is free to delegates.

Subjects to be covered include how charities can engage with businesses, the effective use of Sage, tips on applying for grants, the most effective charity set ups and impact measurement. Speakers include representatives from The Big Lottery Fund, Peterborough City Council. DIAL Peterborough, Greenwoods Solicitors, HSBC, Sage and Aspire Property Group.

Rawlinsons’ partner Mark Jackson will also be presenting at the event. The firm, based in Lincoln Road, Peterborough works with dozens of charities, both local and nationally affiliated branches, placing it perfectly to deliver a carefully targeted event.

“Rawlinsons has built a solid reputation working with a number of charities over many years,” said Mark. “As a result, we know the challenges they face both day to day and in the long term. The conference has been put together to help charities tackle those issues and also to update them on grants, legislation and changes in the law that may affect them.”

More than 100 charities were represented at last year’s event and it is hoped even more will benefit from attending this year’s, once again taking place at the KingsGate Conference Centre in Parnwell, Peterborough.

The conference is scheduled to run from 9.30am until 4pm and includes speaker presentations, break out sessions and networking opportunities. Refreshments are included.

To register your interest please contact Carolyn Lake at Rawlinsons on 01733 568321 or email

Rawlinsons is a firm of Chartered Accountants, Business and Tax Advisers providing a complete range of accounting, business, taxation and specialist services to more than 3,000 clients.
The Peterborough-based firm has seven partners, a 60-strong team and 70 years of history.