Learn how to become more efficient with water usage in the workplace at a breakfast briefing this September.
The event is called ‘Save Water Save Money’ and will show companies how to save around 30% on their water and sewerage bills by taking simple steps to reduce water use.
It takes place at Moulton College, in Moulton, near Northampton, on Wednesday 25th September from 8.30am to 10.30am. Spaces are limited and entry is free with a complimentary light breakfast available.
Save Water Save Money is organised by resource efficiency experts WRAP in partnership with Investors in the Environment (iiE) and the Environment Agency.
Speakers from these groups will be joined by representatives from two organisations who have benefited from saving water. Delegates will be able to learn from the achievements of the University of Northamptonshire, winner of the ‘Green Apple’ award for environmental best practice, and Kitchen Range Foods, a large manufacturer based in Huntingdon.
Attendees will also be introduced to the Rippleffect, a free online training tool from sustainable resource experts WRAP. This tool provides comprehensive support for companies including online modules backed up by webcasts, case studies, telephone support and in-depth publications.
Practical advice provided by the tool helps businesses to understand how much water they use, identify simple ways to save water and measure the savings they’ve made. With the practical support provided through the Rippleffect, businesses can also reduce the ‘hidden’ costs associated with using energy to heat water. In addition, with water resources under pressure from increasing demand and the changing climate, saving water can also help companies to protect the environment they work in.
Kim Coley, Senior Green Business Officer for Investors in the Environment, said: “The scope for financial savings is significant. Research suggests that UK businesses can collectively save as much as £1 billion by improving their water efficiency. “The breakfast briefing will give a valuable insight into how you can save your company money. Introducing Rippleffect to businesses across Northamptonshire is something we’re particularly excited to progress.
The event is free to attend so we’d urge you to sign up now.” Businesses can book their free place by contacting Nilam Patel on 01733 882547 or by emailing nilam.patel@pect.org.uk.