
Fengate businesses can find out more about Energy from Waste facility

Viridor is launching a community engagement programme for residents and interested parties across Peterborough to learn more about its proposed Energy from Waste (EfW) facility in Fengate, Peterborough.

The community engagement programme follows the submission, earlier this month, of a ‘Section 73’ planning application to make changes to the existing planning permission for an EfW in Fengate. Key changes made in the application include reducing the size of the proposed facility by around 40 per cent while increasing its capacity.

The community engagement programme aims to ensuring people living and working close to the site as well as the wider community have the opportunity to learn more about the company’s proposals, ask questions and provide feedback on the plans.

It includes a Business breakfast for the businesses in Eastern Industry and Fengate at the Kingsgate Conference Centre on Tuesday, 9 October.

The event will take place between 7.30am-9am and include a presentation about the plan, as well as the chance to meet and talk to representatives from Viridor.

Bacon and sausage sandwiches will also be served, along with tea and coffee.

To book your place at this FREE event, please email your name, job title, and contact details to

Viridor will also be holding a public exhibition on Tuesday, 9 October at Club Caliente, Parnwell, Peterborough, between 1pm and 8pm, which you are welcome to attend.

Speaking about the public engagement programme, Victor Perez-Mares, communications manager for Viridor said: “We’re looking to build upon the public engagement work already conducted by the council when planning permission was achieved for the 65,000tpa facility. Our public engagement work will provide an opportunity for residents to find out more about our proposed solution, the modern technology to be used as well as giving them the chance to ask questions to the project team and let us know their views on our proposals.

“Whether it is face to face, online or over the phone, we are providing a wide range of options for local people to get involved. I’d like to encourage the local community to join us at the local exhibition event or through the online channels throughout the public engagement period which will conclude on 24 October.”

Last month, after a thorough procurement process over the past three years, Peterborough City Council selected Viridor as its preferred partner to provide an alternative to landfill disposal for its residual waste for the next 30 years.

In order to fulfil its obligations under the contract with the council, and having considered various alternatives, Viridor is proposing an 85,000 tonnes per annum (tpa) EfW at the site owned by the council.

Whilst planning permission was granted for a 65,000-tpa EfW on the site in May 2010, Viridor must obtain planning permission for its proposed changes. Key benefits from Viridor’s proposals include:

High efficiency
The design capacity of 85,000 tpa and the modern technology it will use will enable higher efficiency in energy generation than most existing EfW facilities in the UK which in turn will also reduce its carbon footprint further. It will have a net electrical generation of 7.25MW – that’s enough to power the plant and 15 per cent of all of the homes in Peterborough.

Significantly smaller building
Viridor has been able to reduce the overall size of the facility by around 40 per cent compared to the consented 65,000tpa EfW which was approved in May 2010 by Peterborough City Council’s planning committee.

Increased capacity
Population in Peterborough is expected to grow significantly over the next 30 years. The increased capacity will allow flexibility to deal with the resulting changes in waste produced as a result and, importantly, it will enable capacity for local businesses to reduce their reliance on landfill disposal, reducing their costs and improving their environmental performance – essential in current economic climate and in order to meet ambitious UK carbon reduction targets in future.

If you would like any more information at this time, please call the project’s dedicated information line on 0800 1583218 email or visit the project’s website