
Everybody’s doing it, are you?

Social networking in business is an area most companies can’t afford to ignore for much longer – even if as a business you decide it’s not for you.

Peterborough PR and marketing agency Media Matters incorporates social media strategies into a number of its clients’ campaigns – and says while it works for some, it doesn’t for others.

The Lynch Wood company runs training for local businesses on this topic for exactly this reason.

Karen McNulty, chartered marketer and marketing director at Media Matters, explains: “We can see the benefits of social networking but that doesn’t mean it is right for every single company. Brand reputation can be destroyed overnight if you use it wrongly; however, use it to your advantage and you can really raise the profile of your business and its products or services.”

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google and Google+ may have their place in both a b2b and b2c marketplace but understanding the positives and negatives is key before you start to think about using them.

If you think social networking might give you the edge over your competitors, help you win new business, or show you as a progressive and happening company moving with the times, then consider booking onto Media Matters’ next social networking workshop on Thursday November 17th, 2-5pm.

For more details, contact Angie Bull –, tel: 371363 or follow this link: