Water Connect 2015 is a one day conference and matchmaking event for organisations interested in identifying and exploring opportunities for collaboration to improve Research, Development and Innovation in the water sector.
The event is hosted by the Global Sustainability Institute at Anglia Ruskin University and Opportunity Peterborough as part of the Water Efficiency in European Urban Areas (WE@EU) project, which aims to provide a European platform for excellence in water efficiency and urban water management. It is supported by both the Enterprise Europe Network and the Water Innovation Network.
To facilitate this The Water Cluster, the East of England’s first cluster dedicated to water efficiency and management has been created to cultivate an “innovation friendly ecosystem”, through which organisations can identify synergies and opportunities. Working together with local and national authorities to transform knowledge and expertise into innovative products, services and skills across Europe and internationally.
Attendance at both the conference and networking event on the 8th July 2015 are free of charge, so please register here if you would like to attend.
Exhibition Stands: Companies are also welcome to exhibit at the event free of charge, including showcasing emerging technologies and innovative solutions and services in urban water management. Please email info@thewatercluster.co.uk to discuss your requirements.