
The Smart Manufacturing Alliance – The Future of Manufacturing and a tour of ARU Peterborough
Dates(s) - 08/03/2023 - 08/03/2023 10:00 - 12:00
ARU, Bishop's Road , Peterborough, PE1 5BW

The Smart Manufacturing Alliance and ARU 

Manufacturers “Hold the Date” to join us on Wednesday 8th March, 2023 10am – 12 noon for an exclusive tour of Anglia Ruskin University (ARU)– Peterborough, acquire insight into how your business can be more engaged with the University and Academia and hear about the visions for the Future of Manufacturing and the new era of opportunity and challenge for the UK.
We are delighted that our speakers from the University will be:
Fiona McGongle - Business Engagement and Innovation Lead
Fiona Leads on collaborative Partnerships with multiple stakeholders at senior level, co-designing courses with Industry and influencing and supporting the creation of Innovative Projects. Fiona will share how to collaborate and best use the resources of ARU through her many years of experience and knowledge within education and business.
Dr. Hashim Bhabha - Senior Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering & Composite Materials Research Scientist
Hashim is an experienced senior lecturer in mechanical engineering and fellow of the higher education academy (FHEA). Peterborough has 50% more manufacturers local to the region, relative to the UK’s national average. The population in Peterborough is rapidly growing. However, there is a lack of degree-qualified and/or suitably skilled workers to enable growth and secure the future of manufacturing in Peterborough. ARUP aims to bridge this gap by educating the population to provide a workforce for the future and consulting manufacturers to tackle real industrial problems that are an obstacle to growth. During his presentation, Hashim will discuss what ARUP is currently doing for the manufacturing industry now and what the plans are for the future.
There will also be an opportunity to discuss your businesses opportunities and challenges!
Our Agenda will be:
10.00am - Arrival
10.05am - Tour of ARU
10.30am - Tea & Coffee Break
10.40am - Presentation from Fiona McGonigle
11.00am - Presentation from ARU Academic - Dr Hashim Bhabha
11.20am - Q&A's
11.30am - Roundtable discussion on opportunities and challenges SME's are facing
12.00pm - End
Register your place today to network with peers, share industry best practice, and create new business opportunities and to hear how you can engage with our new University.
Booking to close COB on Monday 6th March.