
The Business Network Peterborough – July Lunch Event
The Business Network Peterborough - July Lunch Event
Dates(s) - 23/07/2015 - 23/07/2015 11:45 AM - 02:00 PM
The Haycock Hotel, Wansford, United Kingdom

The next Business Network Peterborough networking lunch event for senior decision makers takes place at The Haycock Hotel on Thursday 23rd July, 2015.  The event includes a 2 course networking lunch and the opportunity to attend a free seminar entitled “Optimising Your Social Media & Understanding Content Marketing” by Great Guns Marketing.

Book your place today via our website www.business-network-peterborough.co.uk or by calling event host Simon Coy on 07860 121773.  We look forward to meeting you.

Cost: £36.50