
Shaping the Future of Peterborough Manufacturing
Shaping the Future of Peterborough Manufacturing
Dates(s) - 11/11/2015 - 11/11/2015 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Come along to the Allia Business Centre on 11 November to find out about all the funded support that is available for your SME business and have your opportunity to shape the future of manufacturing in the Peterborough area.

Keynote speaker from Perkins Engines Company Ltd will be giving you the inside scoop on how to win business with large organisations.

Find out about all the funded support available to help you develop innovative products, increase your export capability and increase your productivity.

This event is for Manufacturing SMEs. This includes companies that design and develop their own products but do not physically manufacture them. Please click HERE to reserve your place


9:00am – Registration and refreshments

9:30am – Introduction – Gareth Jones, Allia Future Business Centre

9:35am – Guest Speaker – Perkins Engine Company Ltd

9:55am – Business Growth Service – Manufacturing Advisory Service and Growth Accelerator – Jenny Wilton

Find out about matched grants and subsided support for business growth coaching

10:10am – UKTI & UK Export Finance – Pat Smith and Dan Hewitt

Support for business looking to start or increase Export activities

10:25am – Refreshment break: Opportunity to network and ask questions of the businesses presenting

10:45am – Innovate UK – Speaker TBC

Find out A wide range of grants to help with Innovation

10:55am – Local Enterprise Partnership – Stella Cockerill

Find out about grant funding available for skills provision

11:05am – Signpost 2 Grow – Binal Cadieu

Find out about your local Growth Hub and how they can support your business growth

11:10am – Local Manufacturing Associations – Stuart Searle

Stuart is the Chair of the Huntingdonshire Manufacturing Association and will give a brief overview of the benefits of a local manufacturing association

11:20am – Facilitated Discussion on the future of manufacturing in the area

    • What support is required?
    • Would a Manufacturing forum be good?

11:40am – Networking and meet other support organisations

12.00pm – Close

*Please Note: Bookings are to be made via the website please click HERE to reserve your place.

If you have any questions about the event, please contact amanda.glover@peraconsulting.com
