Peterborough is a growing hub for businesses which are based in IT and there is a growing demand for a skilled workforce within the sector.
Peterborough Regional College (PRC) is a long standing college which has delivered full time and apprenticeships within IT sector. PRC have had an increasing number of enquires in a wide range of IT specialism from businesses within the area and this has driven us to open our doors to IT businesses around greater Peterborough.
We want to hear from you concerning the skills which are increasingly in demand and the challenges you face to meet your business needs.
PRC can assist you with building a skilled workforce.
We will open our doors to businesses on Friday 20th April at 1200 – 2.30pm to meet over lunch with the professionals delivering in the IT sector and the Apprenticeship Academy at College. Book your place today –
If you would like more information please contact Gabriela Chandler on 01733 863045