Dates(s) - 16/06/2015 - 16/06/2015 11:15 AM - 12:30 PM
Greenwoods Solicitors LLP, City Road, Peterborough, United Kingdom
We will be holding a joint event with Greenwoods Solicitors and Lloyds Bank on Tuesday 16th June 2015.
The ever changing landscape of governance and funding together with the constant pressure to plan effectively for the future make for complex decision making for Academy leaders.
This event will provide clear information on the issues we know many Academies are currently grappling with.
As a result of attending you will have the knowledge to make strategic and informed decisions that are right for your Academy.
If you are in an Academy leadership role you will benefit from the insight experts from Rawlinsons, Lloyds Bank and Greenwoods Solicitors LLP will bring.
Topics will include:
- Commercial Contracts and Corporate Governance
Victoria Robinson, Senior Solicitor, Corporate & Commercial, Greenwoods Solicitors LLP
‘Top tips’ to ensure your contracts work for your Academy as you expect them to – and give you the protection you need. Don’t take the other party’s word for it!
We will also remind you of the basics to keeping on top of any changes to your Governors and Trustees.
- Academy Expansion and Third Party Uses
Kelly Peck, Associate, Property, Greenwoods Solicitors LLP
Once converted it doesn’t mean that the Property ‘stuff’ is done and dusted. After school clubs, sports users and social use all need to be regulated. You may need to expand. Have you grown already? Extensions to Academy premises are not as unusual as you think. Are you geared up for it?
- Reserves: how much is enough?
Mark Jackson, Partner, FCA, DChA, Rawlinsons
Understand what Governors should be considering when setting a reserves policy for their Academy, including:
-Charity Commission guidance on reserves policies
-Benchmarking of fund balances
-A written policy
-Getting from where you are to where you want to be
- Maximising your cash and reserves
John Ramage, Senior Director in Liquidity Solutions (Treasury), Lloyds Bank
A brief market and financial update and outlook. John will follow this with an explanation of some of the ways we are helping your sector to maximise the balance of liquidity security and return on the funds you hold.
If you are interested in attending this event please contact Mark Jackson ( or Tracey Richardson ( or by telephoning 01733 568321.
The closing date to register your interest is Friday 5th June 2015.