
How to Develop a High Performance Corporate Culture and Maximise the Value of Your Business.
Dates(s) - 16/02/2017 - 16/02/2017 10:30 - 12:30
Allia Future Business Centre, London Road, Peterborough, PE2 8AN

FREE Two Hour Masterclass with Award Winning Corporate Strategist David Blair MA FCA MBA from the DBA Group on…

Thursday 16th February, 10:30am-12:30 midday Seminar room, Allia Future Business Centre Peterborough

After the workshop participants will have a practical understanding of:

• The four engines which drive a successful business and how to keep them in balance

• How to build and test agile business models to stay engaged with today’s constantly evolving marketplace

• How to develop practical strategies which will drive business growth

• A practical 7 step process to build a high performance business culture which will maximise the performance of their company and build long term value for their exit

In addition all participants will receive a free 22 page report which will benchmark their current performance in 35 key business activities across 7 strategic areas against an internationally accredited database of high performance companies.

About: David M Blair MA FCA MBA CF David studied chemistry at Oxford and holds an MBA from Manchester Business School. After qualifying with Price Waterhouse in 1981 he spent four years in the firm’s cowrate finance department, leaving to lead a successful MBI team. He has specialised in advising SMEs in the life science and technology arenas and in the last 20 years has assisted around 50 companies to raise and deploy in excess of £200m from public and private funds as well as steering them through a variety of corporate transactions. He has also worked closely with providers of finance to the sector, for 4 years as Company Secretary of Prelude Trust plc, a main market listed Investment Trust. Since 2008 he has been CFO of Wyvem Fund, which invests in early stage technology companies. A member of the Corporate Finance and Finance and Management Faculties of the Institute of Chartered Accountants; he is also a current member of the Institute Council and Past President of the East Anglia District Society.

To book a place please contact: michelle.craig@allia.org.uk