
Export Procedures and Documentation
Dates(s) - 14/02/2017 - 14/02/2017 09:15 - 17:00
West Anglia Training association , Old Houghton Road , Huntingdon, PE29 1YB

Cambridgeshire Chambers of Commerce works with qualified training providers to hold a number of nationally-accredited training courses throughout the year, all designed to develop additional skills within member businesses.

This one-day course provides an in-depth exploration into the procedures and documentation you will need to be aware of if your business is to make a success of exporting.

The many varied documents required in international trade will be looked at and an explanation of those that are important, and why, will be given.

We will ensure you feel confident about your quotations and look at the trail of the actions for you to take so you can become an expert exporter.

We’ll help you identify which documents to raise, which modes of transport to use, and where to go for advice and assistance. Why it is important that you retain a clear audit trail, together with specific documentary evidence, in order to meet export compliance will also be covered. 

The new Customs Law, the Union Customs Code, and how this affects EU trade and exports out of the EU will be looked at.

Cost: Member Fee: £250.00 (plus VAT)
Non-Member Fee: £300.00 (plus VAT)
Fees are Per Delegate