
Effective HR: Inductions and Appraisals
Dates(s) - 30/09/2015 - 30/09/2015 11:45 AM - 02:00 PM
Peterborough Marriott Hotel, Peterborough, United Kingdom
Discover how making improvements to your company’s induction and appraisal processes could help you retain staff, increase productivity and keep your team motivated at this essential employment seminar organised by Cambridgeshire Chambers of Commerce.

In the next instalment of our HR and Recruitment Sector’s ‘What would you do if?’ series, we’ll be demonstrating before your very eyes the typical mistakes companies make when inducting new employees and identifying missed opportunities to improve performance from the outset. Best practice techniques will then be shared to inspire you to make changes within your own workplace.

Then our panel of experts will turn everyone’s attention to the appraisal process, demonstrating how planning and preparation are key to ensuring the process is productive and rewarding for all parties involved.

This thought-provoking event is designed for anyone responsible for managing the induction process and/or keeping employees motivated and engaged within their role, including business owners, managers, directors and HR personnel.

For more information or to book your place please contact Helen Bosett on 01733 370809 or email h.bosett@cambscci.co.uk including your name, all delegate names and job titles and a contact telephone number. Payment is required at the time of booking.