Our monthly co-working event offers a great opportunity to collaborate, share ideas, problem solve or just get on with a day’s work in a contrasting setting.
Any agile workers, business owners, freelancers or home workers who are Chamber members and keen to co-work are welcome to attend and can drop in and out anytime during the day, just come along and bring a laptop. (Superfast fibre broadband is provided for free.)
This event is free to Chamber members but we ask that you pre-register to attend by emailing b.coleman@cambscci.co.uk. You will need to fund your own food and drinks which are provided at the Grow Kitchen.
Free onsite parking is available all day.
Programme for the day
10.00am – Introduction and welcome
10.05am – Co-working commences
1.00-2.00pm – Co-working lunch
4.00pm – Event ends