Are you curious about the amount of waste your organisation produces? Interested in becoming greener? Take the ‘Zero Waste Challenge’ this September to see how you can reduce the amount of rubbish you send to landfill!
National Zero Waste Week runs from Monday 4th – Friday 8th September 2017 and the green accreditation scheme Investors in the Environment (iiE), run by the environmental charity PECT, is calling for organisations to get involved!
Zero Waste Week is all about helping the environment by raising awareness of consumption and waste. Whether you choose to tape office bins shut for a week, get a compost bin, not use your office printers for one day, or eat home-cooked food to reduce packaging, there’s plenty of ways to get involved!
“Zero Waste Week is a fantastic way to involve staff in thinking up creative ways to take simple steps towards making long-lasting behaviour changes,” explains iiE’s April Sotomayor. “You don’t have to go completely Zero Waste; the idea is simply to recognise the quantity of waste we produce each day and take action by increasing recycling and reducing the amount of waste sent to landfill.”
In addition, iiE is running a series of events during the week, including a Tour and Talk at the Viridor Waste-to-Energy Plant in Peterborough, so businesses can discover how energy is recovered from 90% of the waste received, and a Sustainability Tour & Talk at IKEA Distribution – plus much more!
Participants are encouraged to share photographs of their green pledges and activities on social media, tagging in @iiEUK and using the hashtag #ZeroWasteWeek. If you’re a business wanting to take part in the week and would like additional support, please email For more information about iiE visit the website at For further details about the national Zero Waste Week see