Details of the second annual conference aimed at providing help and advice to Peterborough-based charities have been announced.
A number of high profile speakers from the charitable and financial sectors will be addressing the conference, organised by leading city accountants Rawlinsons to coincide with National Trustees Week.
The event – Building a Future – is aimed at giving those operating in the charity sector tips and advice on how to shore up their foundations on which to build their future.
Rawlinsons, in Lincoln Road, Peterborough, works with dozens of charities, both local and nationally affiliated branches, placing it perfectly to deliver a carefully targeted event.
Partner Mark Jackson said: “We are closely involved with many charities in the Greater Peterborough area, and are aware of the challenges they are facing. We have lined up a number of experts in the field to talk at the conference and provide, what we feel, is a useful tool box of information for charities to utilise.”
Speaking alongside Mark will be representatives from Peterborough Council for Voluntary Service, Institute of Fundraising East Anglia, Hunt and Coombs Solicitors, Peterborough City Council and Thomas Cook. Subjects on the agenda include encouraging legacy giving, building short term income, tapping into businesses’ resources and latest updates from the Charity Commission.
“It is vital that charity management teams and trustees have relevant, up to date information and this conference is our way of delivering that directly to them,” said Mark. “Last year we had around 50 delegates and we’re expecting more this year.”
• The conference is being held at the KingsGate Centre in Peterborough on Tuesday, November 1, and is free to attend. For more information contact Mark Jackson at Rawlinsons on 01733 568321 or email