Incorporated snugly into our lifestyle, heritage and community material you’ll find The Business Moment, a business section with a mind of its own. Rather than leaving business to languish in a dusty niche – as so many publishers do – we like to reflect real life: we all work for, deal with or run businesses. We make friends, learn new things, enjoy life and make a positive difference through business. It’s an integral part of our lives – so let’s celebrate it!
In every issue of The Moment, in The Business Moment, we feature individual businesses, interview successful businesspeople, and explore business good practice. We ask local and regional experts the crucial questions of the day; we grill business gurus on what makes them tick; and we track down the best tips, hacks and advice for your business. Oh, and it’s all beautifully designed and extremely well written, too!
Dip into The Business Moment by sampling our Boom City article here, or enjoy October’s latest section here. And, when you’ve enjoyed that, you might want to start at the beginning of the magazine by clicking here. There is so much to discover in our pages about this wonderful city – successful businesses, amazing people, eye-popping entertainment, wonderful achievements, activities, fun, events, history and more!
If you like what you see, and if you’d like to be part of it, download the media pack, or get in touch on +44 (0)1733 810902 or at