
Free Simple Wills available for Keyworkers
Free Simple Wills available for Keyworkers

As part of the wider effort in response to the coronavirus outbreak, at Buckles, we’ve been giving some thought to how we can support communities, and particularly those who are in the frontline tackling the situation.

So, as of 23 March, we’re offering free Simple Wills to Keyworkers (as recently defined by the Government) for the next 12 weeks.

The terms are as follows:

  • Simple Wills free of charge to Keyworkers (if a couple, only one partner/spouse needs to be eligible to apply)
  • This offer is available to Keyworkers who live close to our offices
  • Drafts will be sent out within four weeks (electronically wherever possible)

Given the current situation regarding social distancing, initial appointments will be conducted using video calls (Facetime, Skype, WhatsApp etc.) or, if this is not possible, by telephone.

To make an enquiry about this opportunity and to arrange an appointment, please call 01733 888888.